Knowledge networks
We have knowledge networks in various sectors and topics related to polymer processing
At ICIPC we lead and are part of important knowledge networks.
We invite you to get to know them and become a member.
Plastic Packaging Cluster
The sustainable plastic packaging cluster is the right setting to connect the entire packaging industry. From the producer of raw materials to the brands that reach the consumer.
We invite all interested companies to participate and become members to improve processes and align the value chain with the circular economy.
Would you like to find out more about the Plastic Packaging Cluster?
Intellectual Property Network
The Intellectual Property Network, Industry and Energy Area — SECOPIND, originated in 2008 with the project “Networks for Managing Intellectual Property to Strengthen Research Capabilities in Industry and Energy, Phase I”, backed by COLCIENCIAS, now the Ministry of Technology and Innovation. Instituto de Capacitación de Investigación del Plástico y del Caucho – ICIPC, has been the coordination node for this network from the start.
Some significant benefits of this network include:
Training events and activities in basic and advanced intellectual property topics.
National and international speakers.
Access to intellectual property documents and tools through its private site.
The network has the SECOPIND site: for consulting the memoirs and documents and references presented during their meetings.
Network members will find the following information in the SECOPIND site:
IP network members have access to a software for analysis and search of intellectual property records called AcclaimIP.
HX links and the public domain search engines for intellectual property in Colombia and several other countries.
Check out OMPI’s intellectual property toolkit.
Impact of the network on the creation of intellectual property.
The network adherence agreement.
Events per year
Intellectual property registrations
SPIRIT- Research Platform for Sustainable Plastics and Related IoT (Internet of Things)
From its acronym in English, SPIRIT- Research Platform for Sustainable Plastics and Related IoT (Internet of Things) Applications- is a joint platform of projects, made up of the Instituto de Capacitación e Investigación del plástico y del Caucho and the Fraunhofer FIT of Germany (Institute of Applied Technologies and Information).
Do you want to implement sensorics in your production plant?
Do you want to create value from the data generated by your processes?
Do you want to upgrade your equipment to the 4.0 industry levels?
Focus areas:
Energy efficiency
Sustainable materials
Intelligent packaging
Interactions between food and plastics
Focused economic sectors
Do you want to find out more about SPIRIT?
An ICIPC initiative to join efforts and fight COVID-19